Credit card fees eat away at your bottom line. By eliminating these fees you get an instant boost to your bottom line with out raising your prices.
Instead of Fees we have a simple FIXED low month to month subscription of $25.
Most Cash Discount Programs are the same. They are a basic account that you can just take credit cards with. We are able to tailor our program to your business by adding different ways to take cards and additional programs to increase revenue. We are also able to integrate all of this to streamline operations.
Cash is king. With the signage and training that we provide, our Cash Discount program has been proven to increase cash paying customers.
We provide:
Check out our FAQ page for some of the top questions and concerns we hear on a daily basis.
You probably have heard of Cash Discounting by now and adding a service fee to your transaction's to cover the processing costs. Since you haven't taken advantage of it yet then you realize your business is different. Your customer's won't understand or agree with a service fee to use their card. Still, wouldn't it be nice to only pay $25.00 a month to take an unlimited volume of cards?
So what if there were a way to only pay that $25.00 and have your customer's excited and happy to shop with you? Well there is! How is this even possible? The answer is simple and we will help you do it.
We help you implement a price increase of 4% or more. Our proprietary processing technology takes 4% of that price increase on the back end and uses it to pay off your processing expenses. Customers love any opportunity to receive a discount, so you can choose to offer a 1-4% discount to people willing to pay with cash, or you can profit more on cash sales. Using this program, we worry about all the miscellaneous fees, rate increases, and confusion on the back end so that never crosses your desk.
Cash Discount 2.0 also allows you to eliminate all of that signage drawing attention to what you are doing. The key to this program is how you present it. Take off your business owner hat for a minute and put on your buyer hat. If you’re making a purchase and somebody tells you that your total will be more if you pay with card, that evokes a negative emotion. On the flip side, if somebody tells you your total and offers a discount if you pay with cash, you’ll be excited about the opportunity to pay less. The overall experience will then be a positive one. Everybody loves a discount! This works great for all price ranges. Your $10 appetizer is now $10.40. That is such a small change, as a customer you probably don’t even notice. It works even better for larger ticket items - Mr. Customer your bill for your landscaping is $6,240 but if you pay cash or check we’ll drop it to $6,000. Sold!
Let's face it, if you take cards you're used to your bill going up and up. It is common practice for processors to raise their rates up to twice a year. With our program you never have to worry about that ever again. It's now our problem and we pay the increases.
With the 2.0 program the only sign that you can choose to put up is one saying how much a customer can save if they pay you with cash, or check if you take them.
No matter how much you do in cards or how you take them your bill stays the same.
Should you choose to give a discount for cash sales we can program our equipment to show how much they saved by paying cash. Plus it makes it easier for people who aren't so good with math.
All states and card brands agree that this is the way the program should be used.
We never lock a customer into a contract. If this program doesn't work for you then you're not locked into it. We can switch you to a traditional program and we will meet or beat any rates.
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Owned & Operarated by North Country Processing LLC